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You can also find answers to the most common questions at our frequently asked questions page, or you can send a new message.

Contact for referring units:

Progardia Healthcare

SHAK-code: 4283 010 
SOR-code: 1063161000016006

Location no: 5790002510427
Secure email: info@progardia.dk

Progardia FUS

SOR-code: 1207921000016001

Location no: 5790002520532
Secure email: info@progardia.dk

Progardia Mamma

SOR-code: 196401000016001

Location no: 5790002519826
Secure email: info@progardia.dk

Is the wait in the public health care too long?

If you have been given an appointment for an MRI scan within the public healthcare system where there is more than 30 days waiting time, you can ask for remittance to Progardia.

Contact the Patient Office in your region:

Progardia Healthcare ApS

Teglgårdsparken 118
5500 Middelfart

Phone: (+45) 70 60 11 60
E-mail: info@progardia.dk

CVR: 41480580