Biopsy of the prostate

If the MRI scan gives suspicion of prostate cancer, you will be appointed for an ultrasound-guided biopsy of the prostate, performed by one of Denmark's leading urologists. The tissue sample will clarify whether the area found in the prostate is an expression of prostate cancer or whether it is a benign change.

By placing the images from the MRI scan over the ultrasound image to see exactly where the biopsy should be taken. 2-3 biopsies of the suspected area are taken sterile through the skin. Traditional prostate tissue samples are taken via the rectum and carry a risk of hospitalization-requiring infection. At Progardia, a sterile biopsy is performed through the perineum instead, eliminating this risk.

You will receive an answer to the biopsy from our urologist, who will advise you in relation to any recommended treatment or follow-up.

Expected examination time is 45 minutes.

Hvordan foregår en prostata-biopsi?

The overall process of prostate examination is:

  1. Booking of process with our secretaries.
  2. Blood test with a new PSA measurement and a kidney number so that a contrast can be given during the MRI scan. The blood sample can be taken by your own doctor or at a local hospital.
  3. MRI scan is performed. Scanning is handled by our experienced radiographers. A prostate scan takes 25-30 minutes.
  4. Our radiologists examines the images and prepare them if tissue samples are to be taken.
  5. You will receive the answer to the survey by letter, telephone or consultation – depending on your preference.
  6. A sterile tissue sample is taken, if applicable.
  7. Answers to tissue samples are given by a consultation with our urologist. Then a further plan is made depending on eventual findings.

Latest techniques for prostate examinations

Is there a suspicion of prostate cancer e.g. in a blood test with elevated PSA, Progardia offers a full examination of the prostate with MRI scan and possible targeted biopsy (tissue sample) to clarify whether it is prostate cancer.

The surveys are conducted in accordance with Danish and international guidelines and apply the latest techniques within the field.

Our patient-friendly 3 Tesla MR scanner and ultrasonic systems represent the latest and most accurate equipment.

It is operated and described by the most experienced radiographers, urologists and radiologists in the field.

This means that you get the absolute most thorough scan - performed by the best specialists in Denmark.