Patient-friendly MRI scans

Patient-friendly environment

At Progardia, we have created a special patient-friendly environment at and around our MRI scanner. The goal has been to provide the best conditions for your scan to be successful.

Our radiographers are specially trained in pedagogy with a focus on the vulnerable patient, such as children, claustrophobic patients and patients suffering from anxiety – and together with the patient-friendly environment, we have helped many of these groups to carry out the MRI scan in a relaxed atmosphere.

Få et nærmere indblik i vores examination room in 3D below.

Our patient-friendly 3 tesla MR scanner also has a large "wide-bore" opening of 70 cm, where there is room for patients up to 250 kg. Soothing and relaxing movies are also offered during the scan, which are viewed through a mirror located just above the field of view.

It is also possible to bring a relative into the examination room, with whom you can make eye contact via the mirror during the entire examination.

The carpet-like equipment we put on different body parts during the scan, represents the latest technology and gives an experience that there is more space in the scanner while we get the absolute best images.

Take a look at our examination room in 3D

If you are in doubt

If you are in doubt about whether exactly your implant can be scanned,
you can contact Progardia by calling us by phone (+45) 70 60 11 60.



  • General practitioner
  • Radiographers
  • Review by 2-4 different radiologists (doctors) with their own specialty – e.g. neurology, musculoskeletal, organs, and oncology (cancer)